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Why is Manifesting so against some people in certain religions?

 Why is Manifesting so against some people in certain religions?

I have to get into a deeper self concept here, yes, reading and searching, but like anything else related to religion, the answer is deep in your soul.

Some people I have noticed the tremendous rejection of manifesting, and even saying “Do you mean Manifesting or Praying?” well see the thing is that manifesting doesn't happen without praying.

Manifesting is the act of calling into something we desire, want, aspire to into our physical reality, that means, we want to experience that desire into our lives. So if you are calling it, what do you mean? To what process are you calling it? You are calling it through prayer. Prayer is the act of expression to request something (desire, want, aspiration, help, even gratitude) in our lives.

I remember when I mentioned the bible and I quote “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24. 

If you are praying to request, for example a raise, and the next week you received news that you were granted the raise, and it will be showing up in your next paycheck, you are very happy!!! -I bet- Excited, grateful, and even dare to say “I knew God, I knew you would grant my prayer!!”

Well…. You manifested that, you co-created that reality with God, because you requested in a prayer with the conviction that you will receive it, and now it is yours. 

You are requesting, you are co-creating, you are asking to a higher power (each religion call it different, and some people have preferences, I dare to say is the same higher power we all pray to, no matter how it “looks” on the outside, or how it was portrait to us in our religion) don not come back at me with that, I see no difference, God is God, God is the Universe, and yes sometimes I even call it Universe, and no matter how you call it, at the end it is a higher power. Ok I digress.

Ok so you requested, and it was answer, and it's showing in your current reality, and you feel the feelings (aka vibrations) and remember everything in the creating is made of matter, and matter at certain vibrations form different things, well you requested with so much faith because also God, as our father, creator and loving being he is (or she if you want to too, God has no racial preference, no gender either, God is God, and you might feel as whatever you heart and soul feels like) let's continue

When you request something with so much faith, and certainty; you are also using another teaching in the Bible “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:11. 

Have no doubt that your prayers that have been answered come from God, because you had absolute faith, and continue to have faith regardless of what you see, and when you do not see them, you still have faith, and you let the Universe move the forces that it needs to be move for you to receive your request, you let everything in the hands of God, and you continue to move with your life, no doubts, taking daily inspired actions, and smiling looking up in gratitude for what you have, knowing that it has been promised to you, and it is going to show up in your reality. 

So next time you hear someone saying “I manifested that” just know they went through a process that required prayer, faith, and surrender. 

and Remember

Its a VeVe Thing You Wouldn't Understand

Vee Vee


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